Measures to support seafarers on Singapore-registered ships in light of COVID-19 restrictions

19 Jun 2020 / Singapore

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) recognises that due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, Singapore-registered ships (SRS) may be faced with challenges relating to expired crew contracts, crew change and repatriation of seafarers at ports.

MPA allows, on a case-by-case basis, ship owners and managers of SRS to extend the Seafarer Employment Agreements (SEA) of seafarers who are not able to be repatriated due to travel restrictions imposed at the ports where their ships call. The extension of the seafarers’ SEA must be made in accordance with Regulation 2.1 of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006. The SEA shall be agreed to by the seafarer under conditions which ensure that the seafarer has an opportunity to review and seek advice on the terms and conditions in the agreement and freely accepts them before signing. During the extension period granted by MPA, the ship owner or manager must continue to attempt to repatriate the seafarers at all possible opportunities during each port call.

SRS owners and managers with seafarers on extended contracts on board must update MPA at [email protected] with information of the extended contracts and the repatriation plan.

MPA is aware that SRS owners and managers may face difficulties in repatriating their seafarers at foreign ports. Where possible, MPA will assist by contacting the relevant port authority/authorities to seek the authority/authorities’ consideration to allow crew change at its/their port. SRS owners and managers who require MPA’s assistance may write in to [email protected]. Please provide details of the situation and difficulties encountered.

MPA recognises the importance of crew change to safeguard the health and safety of seafarers sailing on board ships. MPA has been approving crew change applications from SRS so long as they meet the special circumstances in PMC No.26 of 2020. Moving forward, given the high volume of applications, MPA will accord priority to crew change for SRS. MPA will facilitate all SRS to carry out crew change in the Port of Singapore, regardless of their purpose of call, provided they meet all prevailing requirements.

Ship owners/managers/agents should apply for crew change in Singapore by filling up the online form at Ship owners/ managers/ agents may refer to PMC 27 of 2020 for the latest requirements on crew change in the port of Singapore.

(For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at [email protected])

Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Shipping Circular No.13 of 2020 dated 18 June 2020

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