Strike notices at French ports

24 Feb 2020 / France

Dockers and port workers at Bayonne, Bourdeaux, Le Havre, Rouen, Montoir, Saint Nazaire, Nantes, Donges have given notice of a 4-hour work stoppage on Thursday 27 February.

At Dunkirk, only port workers have given notice of this stoppage. At La Pallice, only dockers have given notice, and at Fos, Lavera and Marseille, dockers have given notice of a one-hour stoppage at the end of all shifts throughout the day.

Further notice of a 4-hour stoppage on 5 March has been given for the ports of Bayonne, Le Havre, Rouen and, La Pallice.

(For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in France, contact the GAC Dubai Hub Agency Centre at [email protected])

Source: SEA-invest Shipping Agent - GAC agent, France.

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