Ship contact procedures

05 Apr 2020 / Turkey

In order to combat the COVID-19 outbreak, the contact procedures for the ships will be carried out as follows during the outbreak.

  1. The contact procedures for the ships will only be made for repairs, refueling, water/food supply and similar mandatory needs.

  2. The contact procedures will be carried out to the ship as soon as possible and with fewer people.

  3. Persons contacting ships and persons on board will use personal protective equipment (medical mask, gloves, goggles, if necessary, and additional personal protective equipment).

  4. The contact procedures for the ships will be carried out under the permission and supervision of the relevant Coastal Health Inspection Centers. Administrative sanctions will be imposed on ships performing contact procedures without the permission and supervision of the centers.

  5. Ships that obtain free practice do not need to obtain contact permission again. Ships requesting to make contact procedures during transit passage through the Turkish Straits or Turkish ports will apply to the relevant Coastal Health Inspection Center with two copies of the petition. The petition will include the information of the ship, the reason for the contact and the health measures to be taken, and the petition annex will include the Marine Health Notice and the List of Last 10 Ports.

  6. Applications will be examined by the relevant Center, the reason for the contact and the measures to be taken during the contact will be checked, and if necessary, fever measurements or additional information will be requested from the passenger and personnel on board.

  7. If there is no health problem in contact with the ship, the following statement will be written on the copy of the petition: "There is no health problem in contact with the ship.", it will be signed and sealed by the central physician/health administration chief and will be submitted to the applicant. The second copy of the petition will be archived at the center.

  8. Additional measures taken by the administrative authorities for ship contact procedures will be followed.

The effectiveness of the health measures to be implemented will only be possible by the full cooperation of all relevant stakeholders.

(For information about operations in Turkey, contact GAC Turkey at [email protected])

Source: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Directorate General of Health Services for Borders and Coasts of Turkey notice No: 37916317-134.99

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