Seat arrangements & distances for bus passengers

31 May 2020 / Ras Laffan, Qatar

It has been observed during road safety campaigns that a safety breach whereby illegal seats are installed to exceed the bus licenses capacity “over seating”, in vehicle corridor’s and near the emergency exits. Some of the observed buses were loaded up to 30% of additional passengers over the licensed designed load capability.

Such unsafe condition is not acceptable by road safety guidelines and applicable laws. This unsafe condition can result in severe consequences for bus occupants and other road users. Only vehicle manufacturer seat belts are to be used. Passengers should have their seat belts fastened during the entire journey.

Considering the global pandemic Corona virus (COVID-19) threat, RLIC road safety is requesting business partners and contractors to maintain a social distance in the bus among the work force occupying the bus seats as follows:
a. The driver and passengers shall wear a surgical mask at all times and any non-compliance is punishable in accordance under Decree Law No: (17) for the year 1990 with a jail term not exceeding three years and a fine not exceeding QR.200,000 or one of these two penalties.
b. Passengers shall queue with a gap between each other of 1.5m.
c. Each bus will be fitted with clearly visible awareness posters on entry requiring people to sit with one per every second seat, in a staggered configuration down the bus.
d. Passengers shall board the bus and start seating from the last seats of the vehicle and moving up to the front of the vehicle. When disembarking, passengers shall leave from the front seats first.
e. Each bus seats (front and back), handles, railings, interior windows and doors must be disinfected after each trip.

Any non-compliance will result in handling over such violation to the Qatar Traffic Authorities.

(For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Qatar, contact GAC Qatar at [email protected])

Source: Ras Laffan Industrial City Circular No.: VI/R/31/2020 dated 31 May 2020

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