New conditions for arriving crew members

10 Jul 2020 / Hong Kong

Starting from today (10 July), in addition to the aforementioned conditions and as appropriate, all crew members of goods and passenger vessels arriving Hong Kong at the Hong Kong International Airport for sign-on are also required to comply with the following conditions:

(a) Crew arriving Hong Kong at the Hong Kong International Airport to sign-on goods/passenger vessels must have a negative result of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test at his/her last place of embarkation within 48 hours prior to his/her time of departure from the place of embarkation. The test should be performed by an ISO 15189-accredited laboratory or a laboratory recognised by the Government where the laboratory is located;

(b) The shipping company / agent shall declare on the guarantee letter to be submitted to the Immigration Department that the crew member(s) concerned has/have been tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid within 48 hours prior to his/her time of departure from the place of embarkation in an ISO 15189-accredited laboratory or a laboratory recognised by the Government where the laboratory is located;

(c) The crew is required to present the test report and guarantee letter to staff of Department of Health when he/she enters Hong Kong.

(d) Crew members who do not possess negative test results will be denied entry, and the shipping company / agent concerned are required to arrange these crew members to fly back to their originating country(ies) forthwith.

Upon arrival at Hong Kong, crew members must pay attention to their health condition, take body temperature twice daily and report to their shipping company/agent.

If they feel unwell, they should call 2125 1133 (if they have stayed in Mainland China, Macao or Taiwan) or 2125 1999 (if they have stayed in other overseas countries/territories).

They are allowed to operate another trip and must wear a surgical mask during work.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at [email protected]

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