Entry restrictions

14 Mar 2020 / Poland

Restrictions for foreigners entering Poland have been announced, coming into effect tomorrow (15 March).

Polish citizens and foreigners with permission to work and reside in Poland returning from abroad will be required to quarantine for 14 days after returning. All other foreigners will not be permitted to enter the country.

For advice for ship operators for preparedness and response to the outbreak of COVID-1 https://www.healthygateways.eu/Portals/0/plcdocs/EU_HEALTHY_GATEWAYS_COVID-19_MARITIME_20_2_2020_FINAL.pdf?ver=2020-02-21-123842-480

For further details and updates, or information about operations in Poland, contact GAC Poland at [email protected]

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.