COVID-19: additional pilot boarding procedure

03 Apr 2020 / Reunion (overseas region & department), France

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, additional guidelines must be applied by ships. The Pilot Embarkation Additional Procedure for the embarkation of pilots and subsequent vessel services require the following process:

  • Immediately prior to pilot embarkation, all surfaces and equipment in the wheelhouse, or on the bridge wings, that the pilot may touch must be cleaned with a suitable cleaning solution.
  • Once Pilot is on board, no physical contact with Pilot. All crew at the embarkation point must wear a protective mask and rubber gloves.
  • The crew member assigned to escort the pilot from the embarkation point to the wheelhouse must wear a protective mask and rubber gloves.
  • A safety distance of 1 metre must be respected between the crew members and the Pilot.
  • Where possible, the route from the embarkation point to the wheelhouse should via the open deck, as opposed to within enclosed spaces. ELEVATOR FORBIDDEN.
  • The wheelhouse, where possible, should remain well ventilated via the opening of external doors or windows.
  • The wheelhouse should be cleared of all crew not essential to the navigation of the vessel, and all crew member’s present must wear a protective mask and rubber gloves.
  • Unless necessary for the safety of the pilot (i.e. during the embarkation process), crew or vessel, the pilot and crew should remain at least 2 metres apart.
  • Similar precautions must be taken during disembarkation of the pilot either ashore or to the pilot launch.

(For information about operations in Reunion, contact the GAC Dubai Hub Agency Centre at [email protected])

Source: Pilotage Maritime La Reunion notice dated 1 April 2020

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