Coronavirus: Instructions for ships’ crews at terminal

25 Mar 2020 / Sullom Voe, United Kingdom

Due to the current situation with the coronavirus pandemic:

  • Until further notice there will be no shore leave.

  • All normal crew changes should be avoided if possible. If there is a requirement then each individual case will be given due consideration; all requests should be placed through the ship's agent.

  • Any routine medical or dental visits can be requested through the ships agent with range of symptoms given. The agent will then contact the relevant people to see if a visit is required and if it can be arranged.

  • Any urgent medical need that may arise due accident or sudden illness onset to crewmember while ship is in port, will be dealt with as always as an emergency, and the Terminal will respond immediately to this.

(For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in the United Kingdom, contact GAC UK at [email protected])

Source: Sullom Voe Terminal Marine Department advice dated 24 March 2020

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